Recorded On: 06/07/2024
- Non-member - $375
- Member - Free!
When it comes to running an annual giving program, you don't have to be a professional web designer to appreciate the importance of engaging web pages and easy-to-use online giving forms. Just as consumers expect a fluid online shopping experience, donors also want their online experience to be simple and easy. That’s why it's so important for everyone who works in annual giving to understand the basic concepts of good web design and functionality.
Register now for your entire team to what it takes to have a successful website and donation form to support your institution's annual giving efforts.
This webinar is eligible for 1 point of CFRE credit.
- Ideas for understanding a donor’s experience
- Guidelines for developing a website
- Tips for optimizing donation forms
- Methods for analyzing activities
- Examples from other institutions, and more!
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Dan Allenby (Host)
President & Founder | Annual Giving Network
Dan Allenby is an author, speaker, and consultant who has worked with educational institutions for over 25 years to improve their fundraising results. An internationally-recognized expert on annual giving, he is the recipient of CASE’s prestigious “Crystal Apple” award for teaching excellence. He is principal and founder of Annual Giving Network and previously led annual giving and membership programs at Boston University, Tufts University, Georgetown University, and the National Geographic Society.

Christy Moss
With over 15 years of experience in annual giving and educational fundraising, Christy has led various programs at the University of Illinois. Her other experience includes Greenville University, USEED, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. She holds a B.A. in Communication from Greenville University and an M.S. in Information Science from the University of Illinois.