Enhancing Affinity Fundraising Efforts

Recorded On: 11/17/2020


Appealing to constituents based on their special interests and affinities is one of the most effective ways to capture their attention and inspire them to give. Taking time to understand which common interests exist within your prospect pool, and then developing strategies around them, can help uncover new donors while securing continued support from existing donors for years to come.

Register now to learn how to improve affinity fundraising strategies for your institution.

This webinar is eligible for 1.25 points of CFRE credit.


  • Methods for identifying special interests and affinities in your community
  • Tips for creating affinity-driven messages that resonate with constituents
  • Recommendations for stewarding donors based on their interests and affinities
  • Guidelines for analyzing results and determining which groups to focus on in the future
  • Examples from other institutions, and more!

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Gloria Goosby

With over 15 years of experience in annual giving and educational fundraising, Gloria has led programs at Furman University and Georgia Southern University. Her other experience includes work with the Southeast Annual Giving Conference Committee and the Statesboro-Bulloch County Chamber of Commerce. She holds a B.S. in Broadcasting from Georgia Southern University.


Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  75 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  75 minutes