Recorded On: 01/25/2024
- Non-member - Free!
- Member - Free!
While soliciting donations is the core function of every annual giving operation, it's also important for programs to develop and maintain strategies that help prospects and donors stay engaged with the institution throughout their life. While “engagement” can take a variety of forms, and be valued in different ways, focusing on it will not only strengthen the sense of community at your institution but it will ensure a more meaningful and fulfilling experience for your supporters.
Register now and learn how to engage donors in the life of your institution.
This webinar is eligible for 1 point of CFRE credit.
- Methods for understanding communities
- Tactics for defining engagement
- Tips for measuring engagement
- Guidelines for increasing engagement
- Examples from other institutions and more!
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Dan Allenby (Host)
President & Founder | Annual Giving Network
Dan Allenby is an author, speaker, and consultant who has worked with educational institutions for over 25 years to improve their fundraising results. An internationally-recognized expert on annual giving, he is the recipient of CASE’s prestigious “Crystal Apple” award for teaching excellence. He is principal and founder of Annual Giving Network and previously led annual giving and membership programs at Boston University, Tufts University, Georgetown University, and the National Geographic Society.