Annual Fund Websites & Giving Forms

Recorded On: 06/20/2017


You don't have to be a tech-savvy web designer to appreciate the importance of engaging webpages and easy-to-use online giving forms. In fact, everyone who works in annual giving should understand the basic concepts of good digital design and webpage layout, just as they would an effective letter, brochure or reply card. With banks and retailers now prioritizing online experiences for customers, educational and nonprofit organizations should do the same for donors.

Register now to learn how to take your annual fund's webpages and online giving forms to the next level.

This recording is eligible for 1.25 points of CFRE credit.


  • Guidelines for reviewing your existing annual fund website and identifying opportunities to improve its structure, layout and function
  • Criteria for ranking which types of content to feature on your site, and what to invest in moving forward
  • Methods for measuring online activity and translating key findings into action
  • Examples from other institutions
  • And more!

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Mike Gyulai

Executive Director of Annual Giving, University of California, Los Angeles

Mike Gyulai is the Executive Director of Annual Giving at the University of California Los Angeles, where he is responsible for orchestrating partnerships across the divisions of development, marketing, data management, and digital services to optimize the university's annual-donor experience. Prior to joining UCLA, Mike worked with start-up, spin-out, and high-growth companies in the technology, media and telecommunications spaces. He received his MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a BA in communication studies from UCLA.


Recorded 06/20/2017
Recorded 06/20/2017