A/B Tests

Recorded On: 03/07/2024


How do you know what's working and what's not in your fundraising appeals? One way to find out is through A/B tests. By proactively testing the variables in your appeals—envelopes, signatories, subject lines, ask amounts, and more—you can collect data that will show what's resonating with different donor segments. Doing so will not only help you develop more effective strategies and make the most of your limited resources, but it will ensure that your donors receive appeals that are fresh, meaningful, and compelling.

Register now for your entire team to learn how to implement and analyze A/B testing as part of your direct appeals strategy.

This webinar is eligible for 1 point of CFRE credit.


  • Guidelines for understanding the terminology and uses for A/B tests
  • Methods for preparing and implementing tests
  • Tactics for integrating tests across multiple appeal channels
  • Tips for interpreting results and using them to inform strategies
  • Examples from other institutions, and more!

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Dan Allenby (Host)

President & Founder | Annual Giving Network

Dan Allenby is an author, speaker, and consultant who has worked with educational institutions for over 25 years to improve their fundraising results. An internationally-recognized expert on annual giving, he is the recipient of CASE’s prestigious “Crystal Apple” award for teaching excellence. He is principal and founder of Annual Giving Network and previously led annual giving and membership programs at Boston University, Tufts University, Georgetown University, and the National Geographic Society.


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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  30 minutes